"Our aim is for you to experience a Malta that is outside the ordinary, beyond the mundane, past the common tourist traps. We want you to experience Malta, uncut - in all its authenticity and...

Services > Independent Travel

FIT is a term that is used by DMCs, Hotels and travel organisations in general. It stands for Frequent Individual Traveller, Free Individual Tourist, Frequent Independent Tourist, Free Independent Traveller. They all pretty much mean the same thing and there are probably many more, but at Malta Uncut we like to refer to FIT as Free Independent Travellers. Free Independent Travellers are in control of their itinerary but have the advantage of an agency like Malta Uncut which can help guide them in their travels to ensure that they get the best experience.

Our aim is to make sure that you choose the best itinerary possible according to your personal preferences and to show you Malta through the eyes of a local, avoiding the tourist traps and time wasters. An authentic travel experience which will leave you with the best memories of the destination!

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